Frequently Asked Questions
How to make an appointment?

An appointment can be made through the following avenues:

Phone: 021 770 0129

Email: admin@drmichaelabramson.co.za

Click here to book online

What to bring to my first appointment?

For your initial consultation you should bring:

  • Your medical aid details
  • Your referral letter
  • Copy of all imaging relevant to your complaint – including x-rays, CT, MRI etc
  • List of all the medications you are currently taking

List of your current medical problems

How to prepare for your surgery

If you and Dr Abramson decide that surgery is required, you will be told how to prepare for the upcoming procedure. 

Dr Abramson and his team will go through the following in detail with you prior to your surgery but in general: 


  • No solid food or cloudy drinks within 6 hours of having the procedure
  • In general, you can have clear fluids up to 2 hours before procedure – this includes water and clear apple juice (please confirm this with Dr Abramson or his anaesthetist before the operation)
  • Chewing gum is considered as food


  • You should always aim to stop or reduce your smoking at least 2 weeks before the procedure
  • Smoking increases the risk of complications such as wound complications, infection, non-union of the bone etc.


  • Most medications can be continued up until the procedure
  • You can take these with a sip of water up to 2 hours before the procedure
  • If you are on blood thinning medication, please check with Dr Abramson if this needs to be stopped before the procedure
  • Please bring a list of your current medications with you when you have surgery
  • If you have any concerns, please contact Dr Abramsons team.
Post-operative care:

Many procedures can be done as a day case and you can go home the same day as your procedure, however others require you to stay in overnight(s). 

Please ensure someone is available to drive you home and stay with you overnight on the day you leave hospital. This is essential if you are going home the same day as the procedure.

You will have a post-operative appointment with Dr Abramson approximately two weeks following your surgical date to review your wound and remove any sutures (if required). Please check your admission letter for details of this appointment.

If you require urgent care or review following your surgery, please contact Dr Abramson’s office during work hours. Alternatively, if it is after hours, please reach out to your local GP (if open), the closest hospital emergency department or the emergency department at Mediclinic Cape Town.