Tendon Surgery

What is tendon surgery?

Tendon surgery involves procedures aimed at repairing, reconstructing, or improving the function of tendons, which are the strong, fibrous structures connecting muscles to bones. Tendon injuries or disorders can significantly impact movement and function, and surgery may be necessary to restore normal activity.


Tendon surgery indications

Tendon surgery is indicated for various conditions, including:

  • Tendon ruptures: Such as a ruptured Achilles tendon, where the tendon is torn and needs surgical repair to restore function.
  • Chronic tendon injuries: Conditions like tendinitis or tendinosis that have not responded to conservative treatments.
  • Tendon deformities: Structural abnormalities requiring surgical correction to improve function or alleviate pain.
  • Instability or dysfunction: Tendon damage that leads to a significant loss of range of motion or difficulty in performing daily activities may indicate the need for surgical intervention to restore function.


How does Dr Abramson perform tendon surgery?

Dr Michael Abramson employs advanced techniques for tendon surgery to ensure optimal outcomes. His approach includes:


  • Repair of ruptured achilles tendon: Dr Abramson utilizes precise techniques to reattach the torn Achilles tendon, restoring function and alleviating pain. This procedure can be carried out either through traditional open surgery or using minimally invasive techniques.
  • Achilles tendon surgery: Beyond rupture repairs, this includes addressing other issues related to the Achilles tendon, such as chronic tendinitis or tendon injuries.
  • Triple arthrodesis (subtalar, talonavicular, calcaneocuboid fusion): In cases of severe foot arthritis or deformities, Dr Abramson may perform a triple arthrodesis, fusing the subtalar, talonavicular, and calcaneocuboid joints to stabilize the foot and alleviate pain.
  • Subtalar fusion: This procedure involves fusing the subtalar joint to provide stability and reduce pain caused by joint degeneration or instability.


Dr Abramson employs minimally invasive techniques whenever feasible to shorten recovery times and improve patient outcomes. His skill and experience ensure that each surgery is customized to address the specific condition and needs of the individual patient.



How long is the recovery period after tendon surgery?
Recovery time differs depending on the specific procedure and individual patient factors. Generally, patients can expect several weeks to months for full recovery, with physical therapy often recommended to regain strength and mobility.
Are there risks associated with tendon surgery?
There are potential risks like infection, bleeding, or complications from anaesthesia. The specific risks vary based on the type of surgery and the patient’s overall health. Dr Abramson will review the potential risks and benefits with you before the procedure.
How can I prepare for tendon surgery?
Preparation may involve pre-operative assessments, following specific instructions about eating and drinking, and arranging for post-surgery care and transportation. Dr Abramson will provide detailed instructions based on the type of surgery.